In the latest Olympia video diary from IFBB Pro Lil' Monstar Dani Reardon, we get to see a very personal and humble athlete as she reveals her mindset 5 weeks out from the biggest bodybuilding competition in the world. You'd think the #2 Women's Physique athlete on planet Earth wouldn't have anxiety headed into competition, well think again. Dani is human just like the rest of us. Her physique may be like Wonder Woman, but she faces real deal problems that all of us face. Not only is she prepping to win the title, but is getting married on November 11th and trying to close on a new home with her fiancé Ian. And for anyone who has bought a home, you know the circus it can be. But through it all, you can see the passion and excitement that Dani has for the sport of bodybuilding. She loves the challenge of carb cycling and doesn't just sleep walk through cardio, but instead treats it as intensely as a lifting session. Stay tuned for more updates from Dani as we get closer to the Olympia this September.
Road to Ms. Olympia: 5 Weeks Out