Meet the Lilliebridges- Ernie Jr.

Meet the Lilliebridges- Ernie Jr.

In this video you'll get to meet Ernie Lilliebridge Jr. Redcon1's freakishly strong powerlifter who currently holds top lifts in the Deadlift (777lb), Squat (810lb), and Bench Press (462lb). All lifts were completed at a bodyweight of 198lb in competition. Ernie explains his story on how he got started into powerlifting. Like most athletes, Ernie competed in other sports, but had to choose between wrestling and powerlifting. Since the two were polar opposites, wrestling having to cut weight and powerlifters trying to constantly improve a choice was needed to be made. Powerlifting came very naturally and his family has always been right there to support his efforts. Ernie Jr. also discusses him getting back into the gym after a layoff and that his training right now is very instinctual; he is very mindful of his warm up sets. Be on the lookout for more training videos with the entire Lilliebridge family very soon from Redcon1.