
Behind the Scenes - Stephan and Sussie Gatt

Redcon1 athletes Stephan and Sussie Gatt meet young Lawrence at Redcon1 Headquarters to star in a commercial photoshoot and behind...

Arm Day Motivation – Dallas McCarver

Dallas McCarver give us all Arm Day Motivation. Check out Dallas’ training video here and maybe you can get on...

Dallas Mccarver And Matt Jansen Talk Part 1.

Dallas McCarver and Matt talk about what it takes to be a coach of an elite athlete as well as...

Dallas McCarver Trains Legs With Hypertrophy Coach

Three weeks prior to Mr. Olympia Dallas gets a serious leg session in with Joe Bennett the Hypertrophy Coach. 

Declassified With Dallas McCarver V2 

Follow Dallas McCarver on his journey to the olympia with his second video update. You can expect to watch some...